Here is the Tenerife weather forecast for the next 7 days. This weather forecast feed is constantly updated to bring you the most up to date data.
Tenerife South 7 Day Weather Forecast
Tenerife North 7 Day Weather Forecast
The climate on Tenerife is often described as that of perpetual spring, although this is more like continuous summer in some parts of the south of the island.
The weather on Tenerife as anywhere else is difficult to predict 100% of the time. As rule of thumb, if your main requirement is to enjoy the sunshine and get a tan you should really be staying in the south of the island. The sun is most predictable during the summer months, the winter is good in the main in the south but winter can bring with it unsettled periods with some rain.
The north of Tenerife can be a completely different story though, with overcast skies even in the summer. In the winter months, especially from November through to April, there can often be more cloud and rain than sunshine. So, if you are looking for winter sun, then head to south Tenerife and avoid this part of the island. The north of the island is perfect if you do not like the searing heat of the southern resorts during the summer.
The island is actually home to many different micro climates depending on the location and altitude. The north of Tenerife is cloudier and wetter than the south, which is arid and desert like. The north of the island being covered lush vegetation due to the higher rain fall.
The moist trade winds blow from the northeast, so the north facing coast has more cloud and rain fall than the south. The south and southwest of Tenerife are hotter and drier. Consequently the recent development of holiday resorts has been concentrated in the south and south west of Tenerife.
The average temperatures on Tenerife vary from 18 to 24°C in the summer, to 16 to 20°C in the winter, although the temperatures can be considerable higher during the afternoons.
The brochures claim over 2500 hours of sunshine and is true if you are staying in the south of the island. The north coast of Tenerife is cooler and the occasional shower is the price if lush vegetation.
Very occasionally hot winds blow from the Sahara Desert bringing high temperatures and sand on the wind, these siroccos bring with them discomfort for everyone.
Tenerife has a persistent layer of cloud that collects around the mountain at about 500m. This cloud is formed by the trade winds coming from a north easterly direction. These winds are forced upwards by the mountain where they cool and condense to form cloud. These clouds bring the moisture and rain that makes the north so green with rich and luxuriant vegetation.
These clouds rarely cover the southern resorts, so the tourist should not be too concerned about the possibility of cloud cover in the south. The northern resorts can be overcast for days, but the cloud normally burns off during the afternoon.
The north of the island is perfect if you do not like the searing heat of the southern resorts during the summer.