The Canary Islands are Europe’s most popular winter sun destination; Tenerife is the most popular of the Canary Islands with more visitors than the other islands. There are hundreds of hotels and thousands of privately owned apartments and timeshare complexes in the coastal resorts.
It is normally much cheaper to book you package holiday or flights and accommodation well in advance.
Self-catering Accommodation
Renting one of the numerous privately owned apartments or timeshare self-catering apartments can be a very economical way to stay and often can be rented at very short notice. The accommodation ranges from basic studios, one and two bedroom apartments to small villas and large luxury villas.
Apartments in TenerifeHotels
Many hotels have allocated their rooms to the tour operators, but it is still possible to book accommodation independently, especially now the recession has hit the tourist industry and the major tour operators are cutting back on their allocation. It may be more difficult to find accommodation during the high seasons at Christmas, Easter and the summer holiday period.
Most of the tourist hotels are modern and situated in purpose build resorts such as Playa de las Americas, but there are some charming old hotels in traditional Canarian buildings with the Spanish colonial style court yards and wooden balconies in the older resorts like Puerto de la Cruz.
Hotels build during the 60’s and 70’s are not very attractive, but in recent years there has been a concerted effort to build mort aesthetic architecture and the result is lower rise and more diverse buildings with large gardens and swimming pools.
Hotels in TenerifeBudget Accommodation
There is plenty of budget accommodation on the island in hostal’s and pensión’s, the quality of which can vary quite a bit. Be aware that the budget accommodation can attract people who may be a bit noisy and may want to party late, this will also depend on the time of year with the high season attracting more revelry.