A letter written by Admiral Lord Nelson in 1804 has been sold at auction for £54,500 by Hansons Auctioneers in Derbyshire. The letter was written by Nelson in his left hand, seven years after losing his right arm at the Battle of Santa Cruz de Tenerife in July 1797 on the island of Tenerife in the Canary Islands.
This letter, dated 21st October 1804 and described as a ‘scrawled piece’ by the auctioneers, was written a year before lord nelson’s death off the Spanish coast near Cádiz, at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. It was written to praise Major James Weir of the Royal Marines.
Nelson wrote of Major Weir: ‘You merit everything which a grateful country could bestow upon your services. I shall be soon in England and if my testimony of your services can be useful it shall be very much at your service.’
Another letter written before he lost his arm dated 7th may 1793 sold for £11,000.
The letters were expected to fetch about £20,000 combined.
The Battle of Trafalgar by William Clarkson Stanfield