Commemorations for the Victory Over Admiral Nelson

Commemorations for the victory over Admiral Nelson by the people of Santa Cruz in July 1797, recalling the one most important event in the history of post conquest Tenerife will begin this weekend on Saturday 21st July.


The main event will be held on Saturday July 21 at the Castle of San Juan (Black Castle) where members of the ‘Asociación Histórico Cultural Gesta del 25 de Julio’ will re-enact the battle with some other volunteers. From 19.00, the audience will see, among other things, the tools and weapons used in the battle and witness a display of fencing and rifle usage.


Later, at 21.45, a reconstruction the English attack on the Castle of San Juan, which will simulate the landing, the artillery fire and the response of the Santa Cruz defences. The finale will be a fireworks display.

Last modified on Saturday, 31 August 2013 11:08