Use our flight search engine to help you choose the cheapest flights to Tenerife. The flight search will check multiple suppliers of Tenerife flights to find the best deals. Be aware of the extra charges the airline add to the basic cost of the flight such as hold baggage, as the price quoted does not include these extras.
Some airlines have different dimensions for hand baggage they allow on the their flights, so check the size allowed for your hand baggage, as you will be forced to check them in as hold baggage if they are over sized. They will charge you for this at a higher rate than the cost of checking baggage in online, if you get this wrong you will in for substantial extra costs.
Make sure that the hand baggage weight is within the allowed quota as the same applies, you will be forced to check your hand baggage in as hold luggage with the associated extra costs of checking these in at the airport.
Some airlines charge a fee for using a credit or debit card, this fee can be avoided by using a pre paid card such as FairFX MasterCard. These cards are used just like a credit card except that you pre load them with money before use. You can apply for on here.
If you are travelling to the airport by car you can book your airport car parking in advance, this is also considerably cheaper if you book this in advance. You may have to book up to 48 hours before your departure to get the discount.
You can book your airport car parking on this web site after your have booked you Tenerife flight by going to the Airport Car Parking Page.