We Arrive in Tenerife

Today we arrived at Tenerife south airport and were picked up by our friends Angie and Ian who are holidaying in Playa de las Americas. We are staying with then for a couple of nights until they go home. Picked up some essential supplies (beer and wine) etc.

We went out of an evening meal and had one of the worst meals ever; we made the mistake of choosing an €7.95 special offer. After refusing to pay for one of the meals the waiter actually through the money we gave him across the room, and told us never to come back (as if we were going to anyway). Not so much as an apology for the terrible meal at all and no concern for our complaint at all.

[![Tenerife Airport](https://res.cloudinary.com/etenerifeholidays/image/upload/$wpsize_!medium!,w_300,h_199,c_scale/v1569339438/etenerifeholidays.co.uk/Satellite.jpg)](http://etenerifeholidays.co.uk/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/Satellite.jpg)Tenerife Airport
Maybe they don’t care about the tourist as there are so many, and next week there will be plane loads of new ones.

The restaurant was an Aberdeen Steak house by the way.