Lost Catherine, a Ghost in La Laguna

While staying in La Laguna we visited the Museum of the History of Tenerife. Whilst I was at the museum I noticed a well out in the courtyard, I ran over to have a look. It had been cemented over a little way down. Later that afternoon I decided to do some research and found out an interesting story to do with the well.

I came across this interesting but sad story as I dug deeper into the history of the museum that was once a fine mansion belonging to a wealthy family in the 16th century.  I decided to write about Catherine or Catalina as she would be known in Spanish, so that she can be remembered. I have put this Tenerife ghost story on our main Tenerife holidays web Site.

[![Jane in the court yard of Casa Lercaro in La Laguna](https://res.cloudinary.com/etenerifeholidays/image/upload/$wpsize_!medium!,w_300,h_224,c_scale/v1569339452/etenerifeholidays.co.uk/IMG_1747.jpg "Jane in the court yard of Casa Lercaro in La Laguna")](http://etenerifeholidays.co.uk/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/IMG_1747.jpg)Jane in the court yard of Casa Lercaro in La Laguna