Baraquito Coffee Please

Baraquito Coffee Please

Went into Costa Cofee, Pete could not get his usual crème Brulee coffee. They have run out, and will not be serving them again until Christmas.

Anyway we would much rather get a Barraquito. This is a Canarian coffee speciality. There is no point asking for this in Costa. If you are a coffee lover try one when you visit Tenerife. They serve this speciality in a glass and it always looks too good to stir up, you must stir to mix the delicious liqueur in.

We will survive as we have found a great little Tapas restaurant in the North Lanes in Brighton, and yippee, they serve Baraquito coffee. We feel so at home there eating the Tapas and drinking the Spanish wines.

If you want to know more about this little find email me [email protected]

A Barraquito Coffee from Tenerife