Back to Tenerife, Barraquito or Zaperoco?

Back to Tenerife, Barraquito or Zaperoco?

We’re back in Tenerife after a long absence of over a year. we’re back to promote our Tenerife Holidays website  at and get loads more interesting info about Tenerife. Going to take a couple of days to chill, then off to get around the island.

Today we are in Puerto de la Cruz in the north of Tenerife. It’s been over cast for the whole day as it was yesterday, but it is still very warm. The north of Tenerife is prone to cloud cover so we are not supprised or disappointed, in fact it is quite pleasant as it is not to hot.

I learnt a little thing today. Tenerife has a speciality coffee drink called a barraquito, which is kind of like Tenerife’s version of an Irish coffe. It’s a layered coffee with condensed milk at the bottom, a liquor layer, then coffee on top with froth to cap it. But here in Puerto de la Cruz a barraquito comes without the liquor, which is a bit of a bummer. You need to ask for a Zaperoco if you want want what you thought was a  barrquito.

Nice picture of our Barraquito and Zaperoco we had today, not sure which one is which.
