Arico Nuevo Bread Fare

Tenerife has a proud tradition of bread making, bread is eaten with every meal and is a stable part of the diet on the Island. Bread is still delivered to people’s homes where you can see the bags left hanging on people’s doors, full of freshly baked baguettes and loafs of bread. The bread deliveries are more common in the traditional villages, the bread bags hanging on the doors are left untouched, even by the birds!
“Panes del mundo” is the bread Fayre in Arico Nuevo. The setting for the fayre is the Plaza Arico Nuevo which is surrounded by lovely old buildings. The location is just right for representing the age old tradition of bread making.
The Fayre is a unique experience, you can sample breads made with amazing ingredients from around the world. Local produce is also available such as cheese, tomato, honey and wine, these all make an excellent accompaniment to the fresh breads.
The fayre is a delicious treat, and attracts chefs and other people who are passionate about good food. With the smell of fresh bread in the air, and the buzz of people in the square, this event is worth going to.
This year’s Arico Nuevo Bread Fair is on the 2nd March