Anaga Mountains Day Trip

Have heard there is a Green and Yellow alert on neighbouring Island of El Hierro. The volcano there is causing a lot of earthquakes under the sea. Hopefully Mount Tiede won’t join in!

Today we drove to the Northeast and through the Anaga Mountains. In the space of 5.5 miles you climb 1,968 feet! We drove up a twisting road, the views are stunning.

We stopped in one of the remote towns up there called Taganana. It was so quiet, had a drink in “The local Bar” we were the only ones in there! The family running the bar made us welcome, but spoke no English. They don’t see that many tourists up there.

On the way back the weather changed. This can happen very quickly in the Anaga Mountains, and it did! It became quite eerie and I felt a bit on edge as we drove along a really windy twisting small road. We had about 20 miles to travel along this road, and there hardly seemed enough room for the occasional car on the opposite side. The wind whipped right up. Being up so high we were driving through thick clouds, with dense forest around us. When we got down from the mountains I had to peel my hand off the car door! That I had been hanging onto.

[![Jane in Anaga Mountains](]( in Anaga Mountains